Edit a tag

Edit a tag

Next, you’ll use the Tag inspector to quickly make changes to a tag’s attributes. The Tag inspector displays the attributes of the tag that’s selected in the Document window.

  1. Open the index.html page in Code view, if it’s not already open.
  2. Open the Tag inspector, if it’s not already open, by selecting Window > Tag Inspector.
  3. Select the Attributes tab.
  4. Click Show List View in the Tag inspector to view all of a selected tag’s attributes in alphabetical order.

    This is a picture of the feature being described.

  5. In the Document window’s Code view, click anywhere between the opening and closing brackets of any tag.

    The Attributes tab of the Tag inspector shows information about the tag’s HTML attributes.

  6. Still in Code view, find and click in the img tag for the banner_graphic.jpg image at the top of the page.

    This is a picture of the feature being described.

    The Attributes tab of the Tag inspector shows information about the img tag’s attributes.

  7. In the Tag inspector, click in the empty text box beside the alt attribute, and type Cafe Townsend; then press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh).

    This is a picture of the feature being described.

    Dreamweaver displays the new value in the Tag inspector and changes the code in the Document window.

  8. Save your page.

Getting Started with Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver Basics
Working with Dreamweaver Sites
Laying Out Pages
Adding Content to Pages
Working with Page Code
Preparing to Build Dynamic Sites
Making Pages Dynamic
Developing Applications Rapidly