Inserting ColdFusion select boxes

Inserting ColdFusion select boxes

You can visually insert a ColdFusion select box into your form and set its properties. A select box lets a visitor select one or more items from a list. Select boxes are useful when you have a limited amount of space, but need to display many items. They’re also useful when you want to control the values returned to the server. Unlike text fields, where users can type anything they want, including invalid data, with select boxes, you can set the exact values returned by a menu.

You can insert two types of select boxes into a form: a menu that "drops down" when the user clicks it, or a menu that displays a scrollable list of items that the user can select.

This Dreamweaver enhancement is only available if you have access to a computer running ColdFusion MX 7 or later. For more information, see Enabling the ColdFusion enhancements.

To visually insert a ColdFusion select box:

  1. Place the insertion point inside the form outline.
  2. In the CFForm category of the Insert bar, click the CF Select icon.

    A select box appears in the ColdFusion form.

  3. In the Property inspector, set the select box properties.

    For more information, click the Help icon in the Property inspector.

Related topics

  • Setting the properties of ColdFusion form controls visually

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