Managing file transfers

Managing file transfers

You can view the status of file transfer operations, as well as a list of transferred files and their outcomes (transfer successful, skipped, or transfer failed). You can also save a log of the file activity.

To cancel a file transfer:

  • Click the Cancel button or close the Background File Activity dialog box.

To hide the Background File Activity dialog box during transfers:

  • Click the Hide button on the Background File Activity dialog box.

To view details of the last file transfer:

  1. Click the Log button at the bottom of the Files panel to open the Background File Activity dialog box.
  2. Click the Details expander arrow.

To save a log of the last file transfer:

  1. Click the Log button at the bottom of the Files panel to open the Background File Activity dialog box.
  2. Click the Save Log button and save the information as a text file.

You can review the file activity by opening the log file in Dreamweaver or in any text editor.

Related topics

  • Getting and putting files to and from your server

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