Setting Fonts preferences

Setting Fonts preferences

This dialog box allows you to specify the fonts that Dreamweaver uses to display each font encoding. For information on setting a default encoding for new documents, see Creating and Opening Documents.

To set the fonts to use in Dreamweaver for each type of encoding:

  1. Select an encoding type (such as Western European or Japanese) from the Font Settings list.

    Font Settings lets you specify the set of fonts to be used in Dreamweaver for documents that use a given type of encoding. For example, to specify fonts to use for Japanese documents, select Japanese from the Font Settings list and then select a proportional font, a fixed font, a Code view font, and a Tag inspector font from the menus below; all documents in Japanese encodings are then displayed in Dreamweaver using those specified fonts.

    To specify the fonts used for U.S. English and all Western European languages, select Western from the Font Settings list, and then select a set of four fonts from the font pop-up menus. To set appropriate double-byte fonts for Asian languages, select Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, or Korean. (To display an Asian language, you must be using an operating system that supports double-byte fonts.) You may also select fonts for Central European, Cyrillic, Greek, Icelandic Mac, or Other encodings.

  2. Select fonts to use within Dreamweaver for the selected encoding, using the font pop-up menus below the Font Settings list. For each category, select a font and a size.

    Proportional Font is the font that Dreamweaver uses to display normal text (for example, text in paragraphs, headings, and tables). The default depends on your system’s installed fonts. For most U.S. systems, the default is Times New Roman 12 pt. (Medium) on Windows and Times 12 pt. on the Macintosh.

    Fixed Font is the font Dreamweaver uses to display text within pre, code, and tt tags. The default depends on your system’s installed fonts. For most U.S. systems, the default is Courier New 10 pt. (Small) on Windows and Monaco 12 pt. on the Macintosh.

    Code View is the font used for all text that appears in the Code view and Code inspector. The default depends on your system’s installed fonts.

    Use Dynamic Font Mapping is an option available for Unicode encodings on Windows platforms. If you select this option, Dreamweaver checks whether the selected font family has the necessary glyphs to render each character. If the font family lacks the glyphs, Dreamweaver substitutes an appropriate font family that can display the needed characters. This prevents unwanted characters from appearing when you use multiple languages in a single document.

    Enabling this option results in a slight increase in the amount of time pages take to load into a browser.

  3. Click OK to save your preferences.

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