Using navigation bars

Using navigation bars

A navigation bar consists of an image (or set of images) whose display changes based on the actions of a user.

Before using the Insert Navigation Bar command, you must create a set of images for the display states of each navigation element. (It can be helpful to think of a navigation bar element as a button, because when clicked, it takes the user to another page.)

Once you create a navigation bar for a document, you can add or remove images them from the navigation bar using the Modify Navigation Bar command. Use this command to change an image or set of images, to change which file opens when an element is clicked, to select a different window or frame in which to open a file, and to reorder the images.

This section covers the following topics:

  • Inserting a navigation bar
  • Modifying a navigation bar

Related topics

  • Navigation bars

Inserting a navigation bar

When you insert a navigation bar, you name the navigation bar elements and select images to use for them.

To create a navigation bar:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select Insert > Image Objects > Navigation Bar.
    • In the Common category of the Insert bar, click the Images menu and select the Insert Navigation Bar button.

    The Insert Navigation Bar dialog box appears.

    This is a picture of the feature being described.

  2. Complete the dialog box.

    For more information, see Setting Navigation Bar options.

  3. Click OK.

Related topics

  • Navigation bars
  • Modifying a navigation bar

Modifying a navigation bar

Once you create a navigation bar for a document, you can add images to or remove them from the navigation bar by using the Modify Navigation Bar command.

To modify a navigation bar:

  1. Select the navigation bar in the active page.
  2. Select Modify > Navigation Bar.

    The Modify Navigation Bar dialog box appears.

    This is a picture of the feature being described.

  3. In the Nav Bar Elements list, select the element you want to edit.
  4. Make changes as necessary.

    For more information, see Setting Navigation Bar options.

  5. Click OK.

Related topics

  • Navigation bars
  • Inserting a navigation bar

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